Dynamis One is a game developer company, which is currently being wanted by the South Korean Police, which will be investigated further regarding its relationship with several mafias from several other parties, who support Dynamis One or Park Byeong-rim, possibly from China.
At this time, Nexon Games has investigated the root of this problem, along with several other things and will also give strict sanctions to the parties involved in making the game “Project KV and MX Blade” later.
Moreover, previously Park Byeong-rim also secretly recruited several people from MX Studio or under the auspices of Nexon Games, and before he left MX Studio he also seized or took several valuable assets related to the Blue Archive mobile game, from the story script to the initial character designs before being revised by several other important divisions.
With a case like this, Nexon Games has taken serious steps because this case has become a top priority at this time because they have committed acts of theft and sabotage of other companies and could also be subject to criminal action later.
Dynamis One is currently recruiting for its new employees, where currently the CEO is still on the People Wanted List in South Korea at this time.