Blue Archive Provides Surprising News for Global Server Players - Cheirush Lanjut ke konten

Blue Archive Provides Surprising News for Global Server Players

Januari 31, 2025

There is a mobile game entitled Blue Archive where the party will announce something very interesting and also during the 2025 edition of the new year, he announced that the time interval between the global Blue Archive event and the Japanese server will only have a period of 3 months of these 6 months, and there will also be several other interesting things during this event.

Where previously global players often felt jealous of the Japanese and Chinese servers, they had received various other characters in a very fast time, but the Global server had to wait at most half a year or 6 months for the event to take place later.

In this way, players or Sensei who already have this much Pyroxene will often spend it on the Blue Archive mobile game later, which has been planned by MX Studio as the developer and Nexon as the publisher of this mobile game, and also for prevent a lack of incoming funds from several other servers, which often come from East Asian countries later.

This statement was conveyed via the New Year Developer’s Letter post, which players or Sensei can see directly, as well as various statements regarding the anime adaptation being worked on by studios called Yostar Pictures and Studio CANDY BOX on April 7 2024 to June 23 2024 totaling 12 episodes, telling the story of Abydos High School in a very critical financial situation and assistance from the Center.